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Getting through the corona virus crisis

Getting through the corona virus crisis
20 April 2020

What a horrible time we are going through! This week it has seemed like every day it got worse.

Yesterday I had to make the horrible decision that we would no longer be going to see even emergency patients at the practice. We have been told not to come out to help in the fight in preventing the spread of the disease. Urgent care centres are coming but are not ready yet, so currently we can only offer telephone advice and support.

So, what can we do to help ourselves and our family get through this?

Someone much wiser than me has said we currently need cool and heads and great leadership.

We can try and boost our immunity with good nutrition. Now may be the time to reduce your sugar intake, eat more veg, cook more from scratch and so on. Encourage your family that alcohol and chocolate are not the answer! (I must confess I did have a gin this Monday night!)

Our bodies and minds like routine. Getting up at a regular time helps us. Have an exercise time. Currently we can still go out for exercise, the weather has been great, so I have been out walking most days. Exercise can greatly lift your mood.

Perhaps make a list of all the things you want to get done whilst sitting it out at home. Then when you do them you can give yourself a rewarding big tick! My garden at home has never been so tidy. I intend do some of those things I need get around to like cleaning cupboards.

I shall greatly miss being able to help our patients in the practical way we usually do. Dentistry is doing things, like taking out that painful tooth. For now though it will be telephone advise only and that does feel very wrong. However public health overrides teeth.

I hope you and your family are and stay safe and well

Try and keep smiling!
