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If in doubt get it checked out!

If in doubt get it checked out!
1 November 2018

Now we all understand that you may put off a trip to the dentist! We are all busy and despite my team’s best efforts there are nicer things to do.

If though you have a white or red patch in your mouth, a painless ulcer that doesn’t heal, an unusual lump in your mouth or jaw area or persistent hoarseness you need to see a dentist as soon as you can. Any of these could be a sign of mouth cancer.

2,300 people in the UK die of mouth cancer each year. Many of these deaths could be prevented if the cancer was diagnosed early enough. If spotted early the changes of a complete cure are good.

This month is oral cancer Awareness month, the annual campaign run by the Oral Health Foundation. We shall be showing our support in the practice with information displays. We will also be offering free oral cancer checks to anyone during November.

If you are attending for a dental health check with us we always carry out an oral cancer check as part of tis appointment. The inside of your month and your tongue are checked, also your neck and under your jaw.

So, if you read due a visit to us don’t delay let us check you over
If you aren’t a patient of ours currently and have noticed something that needs checking pick up the phone.

It could save your life

Sharon Jardine, owner Lindley Dental
Sta/information from website of Oral Health Foundation