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Root Canal Therapy

The gentle approach from Lindley Dental

Root canal therapy (sometimes referred to as RCT) has something of an image problem and if you’ve had an unpleasant experience in the past you’ll know why. Here at our Huddersfield practice, we take care to ensure root canal work isn’t something to dread – we’ll go the extra mile to ensure your comfort throughout.

Why you may need root canal treatment

At the core of each tooth is a soft mass of tissue called the pulp. In a healthy tooth, the pulp contains living fibres, cells, nerves and a blood supply. The pulp extends down the tooth into the root through the root canal.

Decay or injury can cause inflammation in the pulp and it may die. The dead pulp is prone to infection. leading to an abscess. If you have a dead or dying tooth the likeliness is that you need root canal therapy to order to maintain your oral health and prevent further problems arising.

How root canal therapy works

If you need this kind of treatment, your dentist will probably start by x-raying the affected tooth to find out the number and shape of the canals to be treated. You’ll then be given a local anaesthetic and we’ll make sure you’re in no discomfort before we begin. A rubber sheet is normally fitted around the tooth to avoid further infection. The dentist then makes an opening in the tooth before using fine instruments to access the pulp and clean it out. The next step is to use a root filling to fill the space which has been cleaned. Root-filled teeth can become brittle or turn darker, so we may also recommend a crown to strengthen the tooth.

How the treatment will help

Pulp damage can cause a severe toothache which usually settles quickly after treatment. Root canal therapy can also mean that you keep a tooth which would otherwise have to be taken out. It also stops the infection from spreading beyond the tooth itself.

Lindley Dental Centre has carried out many root canal treatments and the results normally last for many years. Retreatment is possible should the infection recur.

Here is a testimonial from one of our patients, read more.

Very friendly, and welcoming

Mrs Fleetwood