Here a Lindley Dental we consider the hygienist to be a very important part of the team. Regular visits with them go a long way to helping you keep your teeth.
We have three hygienists who work with us and between them, they offer appointments throughout the week including evenings and Saturdays.
We can now invite you to see the hygienist without seeing the dentist first if you prefer. Alternatively, at an examination appointment, the dentist will prescribe hygiene treatment as appropriate.
How our hygienist helps to prevent problems before they happen
- She will thoroughly ‘scale and polish’ your teeth.
- She will show you the best ways to brush and clean in between your teeth using interdental brushes or floss to remove the bacterial ‘plaque’.
When you eat or drink something sugary, the bacteria in the plaque turn the sugar into acid, which may cause tooth decay. Plaque can also cause gum inflammation (swelling and soreness) if it is not regularly and thoroughly removed. The hard tartar (or ‘calculus’) which builds upon the teeth also starts off as plaque which can lead to gum disease.
- You will be told which oral care products are the best ones for you to use.
- The hygienist will probably talk to you about your diet and any habits such as smoking and drinking.
At Lindley Dental, we educate our patients about the importance of preventative dentistry. We recommend that all our patients visit us regularly so that our team can help you set up a maintenance plan that’s right for you.
We understand that no two people are exactly alike, so we make sure the preventative measures we recommend are appropriate to your individual needs. It may be the case that one visit is not sufficient for your total care. The hygienist may suggest that you should see one of the dentists.