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National Smile Month- May 15th to June 15th

National Smile Month- May 15th to June 15th
11 April 2017

National Smile month organised by the Oral Health Foundation will soon be upon us and as usual, we are supporting the campaign at Lindley Dental.

In a nutshell, National Smile Month is the UK’s largest and longest-running campaign to promote good oral health.
Together, with thousands of individuals and organisations, National Smile Month highlights three key messages, all of which go a long way in helping us develop and maintain a healthy mouth.

They are:
* Brush your teeth last thing at night and on at least one other occasion with a fluoride toothpaste.
* Cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks.
* Visit your dentist regularly, as often as they recommend

This year at Lindley Dental we are having a toothbrush amnesty to mark smile month.
We all know that toothbrushes should be changed regularly, they get soft and worn, becoming less effective. For most people this should be every 3 months. But do we do it?!

To help you along bring your old brush during Smile Month into the practice and we will swap it for a new one for you (one manual toothbrush per person).

The Amnesty is open to everyone so if you haven’t been to the practice before do call and come and meet us have a look around whilst getting a new brush.

Having a lovely Smile is so important to your general health and wellbeing. Also, it impacts how other people perceive you. According to the Oral Health Foundation 61% of us admit been attracted to someone by their smile alone and two thirds of us have less respect for a boss with bad oral hygiene!

So, we hope you can smile during Smile month.

It only takes 17 muscles to smile but 43 to frown!